Q&A: Get to know Sam Bluer, Melbourne’s very own pop prodigy

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Contemporary RnB/Pop singer Sam Bluer is set to release new music this year and we couldn’t be more excited. He has been working hard over the past few years to create something new and contrasting that still embodies his unique flavour. 

The 25 year-old Melbournian draws on his own personal experience and individual relationships when writing music. Drawing inspiration from all aspects of his life to create music that mirrors his mood. Keep it coming we say! Not sure how much longer we can hold out. 

His individual sound has a distinct RnB/Pop feel to it that wasn’t like much other music coming out of Australia at the time of its release. It’s definitely something that over the years has lacked in Aus.  His debut EP Naughty, that has a lazy 3million plays on Spotify alone, highlights the quality of his dynamic vocal ability and shows off his international sound. 

Sam is also silently paving the way for other LGBTQI+ musicians as his music hits the mainstream world. Following the likes of fellow musicians Troy Sivan and Sam Smith.

We caught up with Sam to get to know him a little better and also chat about his upcoming new music.

Here’s an edited snippet of our conversation: 

Are you still creating music in this current climate? 

I'm still creating virtually with producers/writers! But for me, it's hard to be inspired during a time like this. I'm honestly just going with the flow, if I feel like creating I will and otherwise I'm just chilling, reading and distracting myself any way I can. 

What's generally your process in creating new music?

I'm usually with a producer who mocks up a really rough sketch of a beat from references I come into the session with. Then I'll have a list of ideas in my notes on my phone and we pick the best word or phrase. I record heaps of melody ideas for the hook, verse and pre and choose the strongest of each and go from there. I try not to overthink it anymore. Overthinking is a killer when writing music. 

What's your go-to isolation binge?

I just watched S1 & 2 of Killing Eve!! I'm so behind the times. It was so sick!!! Obsessed. 

What artists did you listen to growing up? 

Britney, of course. Madonna, Beyonce, Ashlee Simpson & anything on the So Fresh CD's. The icons of the time tbh.

If you could collaborate with one artist right now, who would it be?

Tove Lo. I'm super in love with her as an artist and her writing. She's just uber talented! 

Is there anything you do in particular to practice self-care?

I love reading. Reading is super relaxing to me. So I kind of escape through it. 

Do you listen to your own music?

I do when it's in demo mode. Like heaps. But once it's out into the world I HATE listening to it because I'll find things that I want to change and it's just not good for me haha, I'm a perfectionist and I can't deal with it haha.

Where would your next gig spot be if you could pick anywhere is Aus or NZ?

Oooo I'd love to perform at Palais Theatre. I saw Lauren Hill there and it was insanely incredible. 

Do you have and Crazy fan stories? Has anyone thrown their undies on stage etc. 

Not really to be honest... but recently someone made like a 'private' Sam Bluer instagram account pretending to be me. They actually hit up Muki one of my music pals and pretended to be me, but they said something like 'Hi Sexy' to her so she knew someone was trolling haha.

Who are the top three artists you're listening to right now?

Dua Lipa of course, new album is bomb! I'm also vibing Rina Sawyama's new album and 100 Gecs, their tunes are so fun.  

What reality TV show would you go on and why?

Big brother. But like old school big brother. When it was at its peak. I'd probably end up looking like the villain, but I'd be down for that haha.

How do you feel about the current state of the music industry and the representation of LGBTQI music?

I think there's been a big shift over the past few years. I mean we can always have better representation but I think we're definitely moving in the right direction. There's so many incredible LGBTQI artists who are coming up through the scene and it's so awesome to see. I think the next step is integrating LGBTQI artists into the mainstream scene, because there really aren't very many on a mainstream scale. 

Do you have any music set to release this year?

I do!!! It's all coming. I'm just perfecting it! It's definitely a more mature sound for me, I'm super psyched for people to hear it! I know it's been FOREVER. But a lot has changed over the last year re music team etc so I'm really excited to finally be able to push music out. Whenever that may be this year. 

Sam’s debut EP was more than successful with Bite My Tongue amassing 1.3million plays to date. His music has such a fun and sexy feel to it with an essence that demands to be played on the radio. We’re patiently waiting for his new music that is set to drop later this year.

Check out Naughty below or head to our 5pm on a Friday 👋 playlist to hear more upbeat songs like this one.

By Samuel Seedsman.


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