Q&A: meet Foley, the power duo straight out of Auckland

Photos by Foley

Photos by Foley

New Zealand Pop/Funk Duo Foley, comprised of best friends Ash and Gabe, have created a little slice of heaven with the release of their debut EP On My Conscience. The EP consists of 5 balanced tracks, complimenting each other perfectly. It’s fun, it’s catchy and we honestly just love it.

The Auckland based musicians have really started to pick up steam since their debut single Seattle. The pair currently have a steady 65 thousand monthly listeners on Spotify, understandably! Their music is so fun. Cola, one of their newer releases, is one of those songs that you blast in the morning right before you get into work, huge mood lift. 

One of our favourite things about Foley is their seemingly care-free, happy go lucky attitude. Although hard workers they still have time to for creative projects like Birkenwatch. A 3-season long mini-series (on their IG highlight stories) that delves into the wonderful world that is all things Birkenstock sandals. Highly recommend you head over to their Instagram now for a good watch. Bring on season 4 Gabe. 

We also love that they’re best friends! Most besties would be arguing non-stop about what sounds better, what looks better, etc. but the pair know each other inside-out and can switch into gear when necessary. If my bestie was telling me I wasn’t hitting those high notes, she’d be copping a mouthful. 

We had a chat earlier in the month with Ash and Gabe about their recent achievements and what’s coming up on next for them.

Here is a snippet of our conversation:

For those who don’t know, who is ‘Foley’ and how did you meet?

Ash: We are a pop-funk duo from Auckland- Gabe and Ash; and we are best mates from way back when (feels like forever). We've been making music together for a few years now, and its essentially our overthinking and overanalysing of our own minds for you to enjoy! 

Can you tell us a little bit about your new EP ‘On My Conscience’, do you have a favourite song off the EP?

Gabe: Ahh mine's probably Can't Help The Way, because it was so spontaneous and parts of that song are still a mystery to us. It just came together by itself and what we captured when we wrote it was so special we couldn't replicate it any other way, lots of first takes in that song! Although I love them all equally of course.

Ash: Mine is definitely Homesick! That song is so special to me because it feels the most honest and laid bare. We chose the songs that felt like pivotal moments or stories in our lives, and Homesick is a turning point in my journey that we captured. 

What’s the dynamic like between the two of you, do you agree on most things? 

Ash: We are best mates so it's super easy to be honest and brutal with each other. We aren't precious which is such a strength because we can always have a laugh and enjoy ourselves even if we disagree. 

Gabe: Yeah we don't have to agree on everything, but we'll never do something if the other one doesn't want to. If one of us doesn't like something then we just come up with something else and we'll be able to find something better!

The track ‘Homesick’ off your recent EP has amassed over 500,000 plays on Spotify in a month, you must be pretty stoked with that?

Ash: Its incredible to see something connect with people like that ! A few of our songs have had spikes like that and you can never pinpoint why or what made it special but we just let it happen and enjoy the ride. 

What’s been your favourite gig to play so far and why?

Gabe: Definitely our most recent one with Drax Project in Hawkes Bay. Just a crazy atmosphere of all these people who'd travelled from all over the country just to see local music. Really special.

Have you done anything fun or crazy in isolation yet, any bleached hair?

Ash: I have shaved both my boyfriend, and brothers heads but my hair remains in tact.... for now.

Gabe: I used to have bleached hair but I'll admit if I did it again it probably wouldn't grow back. I've been deep frying anything I can think of though, I made donuts the other day and they were great.

Do either of you have a hidden talent?

Gabe: I can play the flute, but if I said my other talents they wouldn't be hidden anymore would they?

Ash: If I had a talent I wouldn't hide it xx

Can you tell us a bit about Birkenwatch? What season are you up to now?

Ash: Gabe is the mastermind of this project hahahah I am merely a pawn.

Gabe: YES! Birkenwatch is our longest running Instagram series dedicated to spotting and highlighting the finest Birks. We're super thirsty to get DM replies from Birkenstock themselves. We're about to launch Season 3, I've been storing some footage and we've got some big names involved this time. Stay tuned.

Are you working on any new music?

Ash: Always! We never stop writing, so we are working towards the next EP. Its hard to know when the time will be right to release that with everything going on but hopefully we can get more music in your ear holes ASAP!

Gabe: All the time! Couldn't stop even if we wanted to!

High key true @Ash, If I had a talent, you’d know about it.

Foley continue to impress and excel in the world of music and as content as we are with their recent release we’re ready for more!

Check out Foley’s song below or head to our Work/Study/Chill From Home ✌️playlist to hear more songs like this one.

By Samuel Seedsman.


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