Q&A: meet Sammi Constantine, the singer-songwriter with a story to tell

Sammi Constantine - Trigger Heavy _ Press Image 2.JPG

Hailing from New South Wales, Sammi Constantine last month dropped a boss bitch track in Trigger Heavy. This inky synth drenched song is a look into Sammi’s mind and is self-described as “a hard-hitting reality check for people who continuously self-project their insecurities and bitterness onto those around them.”

What we love about this song is how expressive it is and how her vulnerability is on display. She opens up to us about her experience with mental illness and how music for her is a way to connect with others. Later this year our gem Sammi is releasing what is set to be a powerful autobiography style track that paints a picture of what it’s like to live with mental illness. 

The singer-songwriter has a gritty and edgy feel to her that we are here for. Her talent and energy landed her an amazing opportunity to perform on Rita Ora’s National Australian Tour to tightly packed out venues. What. An. Experience. 

We had a chat with Sammi about her new release, the best date she’s been on and her party trick. 

Heres a look into our chat:

Who is Sammi Constantine, can you give our readers who may not know you so well a little insight to your music journey?

I write music that I believe is brutally honest. I share the parts of myself that most would consider being private. The deepest darkest parts of my brain, come alive in my music. With the intention of allowing my listeners to feel a little less alone in what they are going through. I am healing from an eating disorder that almost took my life twice, as well as constantly fighting against the stigma and misconceptions that come hand and hand with that experience (for myself and for others). This year I am releasing 1 song in a month in a somewhat autobiography type format, to paint a full picture and shed an honest light on what it looks like to live with mental illness. Of course, it’s important to note that mental illness is not WHO I AM, it’s just apart of me and many other peoples lives. I am also an ex ballet dancer, I love to work out, I’m obsessed with coffee, (I even owned my own cafe for 6 years), I’m a clean freak and I never stop talking! 

You’ve performed at a number of festivals now, do you have a favourite memory?

My favourite memory that I cannot ever scrub from my mind, was the moment I was told I had been handpicked to go on tour with Rita Ora. Every single show felt like an out of body experience. I’m so grateful for that opportunity and I hope to be doing more of it very soon, once it’s safe again!

Can you tell us a little bit about what it’s like for you to perform on stage?

I’m 100% in my element. I feel more comfortable being on stage than I do just walking down the street. I think it has something to do with my dance history, it almost feels like I know the stage more than I know reality sometimes. I must admit, sometimes I can’t control my dance moves when I’m up there...

You transitioned from dance to music to find a new outlet for expression, do you still find dance to be a big part of your life?

Hugely, but not necessarily physically. I don’t take classes or anything anymore. Mentally and emotionally though, it’s given me a very strong discipline within myself and my work, to keep going. Other than songwriting, I use movement to express myself still. Even when I’m writing, I’m dancing around the studio until the melody feels right in my body!

Can you give us a little insight as to where the song ‘Trigger Heavy’ came from emotionally? 

Trigger Heavy is a hard-hitting reality check for people who continuously self-project their insecurities and bitterness onto those around them. It is about finally standing up for myself, after a toxic whirlwind of emotional manipulation - taking back what I rightfully own and what I made for myself, without the fear of being able to say no. My aim for the music video which I recently released, is to inspire women and girls especially, to be their own badass or superhero during a hardship. I really wanted to do something different for my project and tell that story with a dark humoured or comedic twist, in the hopes it would really hit a nerve

You have a very cool and distinctive style, what influences your fashion?

I’ve always been told by everybody around me that I have zero fashion sense. My school didn’t have a uniform either so I’ve always gotten a little creative when it comes to “my style” often cutting holes, stitching random materials together and even sewing coloured felt into my hair at one point haha. 

I think I just go for comfort over looks mostly these days but at this stage in my career, I am lucky enough to work with a team of designers and stylists who 100% know what I love and how I want to express myself. Shout out to my amazing stylists Kat and Dee from Duende co. and of course my two fave designers  Alabama Blonde and Lilith Viper who have been working with since the Rita Ora Tour! 

What was the best date you went on?

The best date I can remember was with my beautiful partner now. We got ice cream and walked around the city. My love language is definitely time, so any time I get I enjoy to the fullest! 

You can only go to one fast food restaurant for the rest of your life, which one is it?

I love pizza…. A LOT…. so probably some sort of terribly greasy pizza joint haha 

Do you have a party trick?

Does a cartwheel into the splits count? hahaha

What are you looking forward to the most right now?

As important as it is to stay safe and acknowledge everything that is going on in the world right now, I’m looking forward to change and keeping high hopes that everything finds a resolution and or solution. How amazing would it be to see a significant change in overall world peace right now? IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD. I’d love to live in a world where #blm isn’t even a necessary hashtag because love and acceptance are just a given. I’m also looking forward to being able to go out and spend time with my friends and family more as COVID-19 becomes a thing of the past!

You can really feel that Sammi is hard-working professional. Having endured internal battles, owning her own cafe and facing the music industry all equate to her tough exterior and grit that will see her go far in her career. We can’t wait to hear more.

Check out her new track below or head to our Work/Study/Chill From Home ✌️ playlist to hear more great songs just like this one.

By Samuel Seedsman.


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