Just A Gent drops a juicy boot scootin’ album and we can’t stop groovin’

Emerging Aussie artist Just A Gent has caressed our eardrums with the release of his saucy new album Planet Oasis. The album features various captivating artists that all help to deliver a unique spin to the album. As you listen to each track you’re taken on a journey of levels. We dub this album deliciously divergent.

What we love about the album that was 5 years in the making is that it is entirely transcending. You can be listening to Island Fever and instantly want to book a trip to St Tropez and get yourself to the nearest beach club to suckle on vodka, lime, soda but then hit shuffle and land on Out of Order and you’ve been transported straight to Berghain. A dangerous album to listen to if you’re in the midst of booking your Euro22 trip.

We caught up with this absolute home slice to chat about his tasty new work, sweating chocolate and what it was like to  collaborate with his friends. 

Check out all the feels below:

My dude! How’re you? How’s your day been? What’re your plans tomorrow? Tell me all.

Hello! I’m great, day is young, its 9am. Planning on working on my show/making a few beats before heading out for a dinner with the fam tonight. Tomorrow I’m jumping in the studio with my mate Solomon France and we gonna finish our banging dnb tune.

Can you give us a run down of your music journey to date?

Sheesh, where to even begin. Started making beats when I was 9 on some extremely rudimentary music software I got for free from a Nutri grain box. I wrote songs to those beats and then eventually discovered electronic music, downloaded FL Studio and got to work. Went through a tonne of artist projects with different vibes before landing on Just A Gent in 2013 with that electronic/hip-hop edm sound they now refer to as future bass. It all started getting some love online, I released some singles, did a few tours, went through the motions and here we are.

Let’s talk about the mastery that is Planet Oasis, how does it feel to have it out in the world?

It feels incredible to have the record out. I’ve been stressing and working on this project for so long now it kinda consumed my life for a bit there.  I definitely feel a huge relief now that the music is out there and people can experience it. 

What was it like collaborating with such a variety of dope artists? 

All of the artists I worked with on this record are friends of mine and most have been friends for a long time. They are some of the dopest talents around and its so awesome to be surrounded by and work with humans that are on a similar wave length and really just do like to do their own thing. They are all legends and there not a chance this record would have come into existence without them.

Do you have a song that resonates with you more than the others?

Planet Oasis, the title track is the one that really resonates with me the most. Not sure if its just because its one of the latest ones and its still a bit fresh to my ears but there was just something about the whole process of creating the song it was just so smooth. There’s nothing like going into the studio with nothing and coming out at 4am after hitting the flow state for a good 10 hours with this piece of art that really helped me get through whatever it was I was going through at the time.

It was one of those tracks where I didn’t wanna stop working it. It made me wanna create more and more for this album. I used a vocal sample that has the lyric “don’t want this to be over”. I loved it for 2 reasons. 1, because the track is channeling that save the earth energy and I don’t want the planet to die and 2, I  just didn’t wanna stop creating. As stressful and painful as it is to finish the album it allowed me to tap into some kinda mind state I hadn’t experienced before and I wanted to rinse it for all it was worth.

How did the name Just A Gent come to be?

Just A Gent kinda fell into my lap if I’m honest. When I started the project I wanted it to be something simple, something that just said I’m your average Joe, friendly neighbourhood spiritual being living the human experience. My mates and I at the time called ourselves the gents and one night it just clicked. Just A Gent felt a hell of a lot better than Just A Dude. I wanted it to seem like I’m just some traveller that pops up randomly on the timeline and drops some heavy hitting tunes that makes you rethink everything. That was the vibe.

What’s the most underrated snack in your opinion? 

It’s probably not even that underrated but malteasers are the goat. Specifically the Australian ones, I haven’t tried the UK variant but the American malteasers kinda suck Idk what happened there.

Would you rather sweat chocolate or have parsley for eyelashes?

That is an absolute no brainer, sweating chocolate as gross as it may seem would give me an unlimited supply to my favourite sweet. As long as it is Cadbury we are good to go.

What’s coming up in the remainder of the year for you?

Touring AUS in late June/July, heading to Canada for Shambhala end of July. Then coming home, chilling out and working on whatever is next!

Just A Gent is owning his craft and producing some amazing music at such an early stage in his career. Now that we’re based in the UK we are patiently waiting for a visit to London to see him live. 

Check out Just A Gent’s album below or head to our Picnics, Parks & Pinot Gris 👒 playlist to hear more songs like this one.

By Samuel Seedsman.


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