Interview: Tokyo Vendetta Serves Undeniable Charisma

Diving into the rap world's vibrant tapestry, South African, Australian born Tokyo Vendetta's latest single, A Hoochie Tale, is a breath of fresh air when it comes to the Aussie rap scene. With its pulsating beats and unapologetic narrative, this track is a testament to the raw energy and creativity found in Tokyo’s music. It’s unequivocally fun, fresh and just makes you want jiggle any juice you’ve got. 

What sets Tokyo Vendetta apart is her ability to blend raw authenticity with undeniable charisma. Her presence is magnetic, drawing listeners into her world with every word.

We caught up with this honey to chat about her music journey, fashion and navigating a male dominated industry.

Read all the feels below:

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and when you knew music was something you wanted to pursue?

Performing arts has always been a part of my life. My parents put me in dance school from a young age, I did jazz & hiphop, and I have always had a fixation on music and how it made me feel and at one point wanted to be a singer but I wasn’t as passionate about it. I started writing poetry as a way to express myself and later discovered my love for rapping when I was 8 years old and I’ll never forget how natural it felt to me.

I’ve always said God blessed me with the ability to create music and write rhymes because it always has been something I could do effortlessly. I always knew I’d end up an artist someday. 

Tell me everything I need to know about your fab recent release A Hoochie Tale!

If I could describe A Hoochie Tale in 3 words it would be FUN, UNFILTERED & CHEEKY.  I’ve always been someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind or cause a little controversy. Although I am considered a gangster rapper I still like to dabble in other types of genres. I wanted to bring a new wave/sound to the Australian music scene and for women.

Some would say the song is quiet explicit but I grew up listening to songs like My neck, my back, How many licks etc. so this was me simply showing love to the female rappers that did it before me. A Hoochie Tale really is just a crazy, fun, female-empowered song that you play in the car, on the way to a motive or with your girls and I had so much fun creating the track.

A Hoochie Tale music video, is next level, how does it feel to have that out in the world and what was the creative process like? 

This was my first music video and also my first time directing one so it was definitely a very fun and nerve wracking experience. A lot of people don’t know I actually designed the cover photo for the track and edited the music video too. I was very involved and hands on in this project. I’m a huge perfectionist when it comes to my craft so I wanted that to exude in the video , but overall I’m so proud of how the video turned out. 

How difficult is it to be a woman in rap in Australia?

Being a female rapper in a male dominated industry is hard enough, but being a female rapper that is trying to put an entire country on the map, is even harder. 

I’ve gone toe to toe with peoples favourite mcs, held my own and am constantly breaking barriers and opening doors for other artists yet I feel I never really get the respect and props I deserve as a lyricist and artist. I feel like I am constantly needing to prove myself or having to go twice as hard to get half the respect the males do but I would be lying if I told you I don’t get a kick out of that sh*t.

The more they doubt my abilities, the harder I go. 

How was meeting Lauryn Hill!?

I cried like a baby. I have always dreamt of meeting her and always imagined I’d meet her later down the line not within the first 7 months of my career!

Lauryn Hill is a staple and legend in this rap game and for so many young black female rappers. I was not only blessed to experience her loving energy but to be called beautiful by her and given advice was an even bigger blessing. I was already hungry for music but that definitely gave me the push I needed. Beyond grateful. 

I could cry at the jeans on the do sum’n single cover, need them for myself! Would you say you’re a fashion girly?

Most definitely! You might not like me but you will love my outfit.

I’ve always said if I wasn’t a rapper I would have established a career in the fashion industry. When I was younger I was obsessed with bratz dolls, which is also what I call my fanbase. I had all the dolls and the games and would use that as a way to express myself, which can explain my edgy and bold fashion choices.  I even had a little clothing brand before I started rapping (which I might bring back in the future). I truly believe fashion and music go hand in hand. 

What would be your spirit animal and why? 

A goat. No further questions haha!

Do you have a party trick?

My party trick is being the first person to get drunk.  In all seriousness, I need to learn one I didn’t even know that was a thing!

What's the plan for 2024, will we be blessed with new music, performances or even something completely left field?

All I will say is I’ll be making a lot of noise this year. I have so many exciting projects and things lined up for the upcoming year including my debut e.p and a few other things I can’t really speak on right now.  Prepare to be sick of me all 2024, it’s only only up from here. 

We couldn’t be more excited to plug in and listen to Tokyo’s debut EP later this year! I’m sure it’ll exude nothing but fun vibes all round.

Check out Tokyo’s song A Hoochie Tale below or head to our Beats Mix playlist to hear more songs like this one.

Written by Samuel Seedsman.


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